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What is a Publishing Imprint?

What is a Publishing Imprint?

Have you ever noticed the small logo on the spine of your favourite book and wondered what it is? That logo belongs to the publishing imprint responsible for releasing that book. But what is a publishing imprint, and why is it important?

Publishing imprints: the basics

A publishing imprint is a trade name that a publishing company uses to publish a work. Think of it as a brand or label under which a book is published. It reflects the market segment or genre the book targets, such as romance, fantasy, or business. It helps readers to identify the type of content they can expect, lets publishing companies segment their market and target specific reader groups, and helps build a reputation because of its association with a particular genre or quality.

A great example of imprints at work is the Big Five publisher, Penguin Random House. They have multiple imprints, operating nearly 275 distinct and independent publishing imprints, which include popular names like Knopf, Everyman’s Library, Doubleday, Anchor, Viking, and Puffin, catering to diverse reading demographics.

How are imprints established?

There are three main ways that imprints are established, and both traditional and self-published authors use them. From big publishers acquiring small ones to authors making their own, let’s look at how these unique imprints come to be.

Acquisition or merger

When a larger publisher acquires or merges with a smaller one, the acquired company’s name often lives on as an imprint of the larger entity. The smaller publisher’s initial brand identity, readership, and associated reputation are preserved, enabling the larger publisher to gain access to a new market segment without disturbing existing customer relationships. These acquired imprints are often given creative autonomy.

Example: Ten Speed Press, who specialise in light non-fiction. Founded in 1971, they were acquired by Random House in 2009 and are now an imprint of Penguin Random House.

Identification of niche markets

Sometimes, a publisher may identify a potential audience niche that doesn’t align with their mainstream brand identity. They will create a new imprint to cater to this new audience without diluting their brand. This allows the publisher to experiment with new genres or demographic segments and target a specific audience.

Example: Puffin Books, who specialise in children’s fiction. Puffin was founded in the 1940s as an imprint of Penguin, specifically to cater to a younger audience.

Independent author imprints

Independent authors and writers who are self-publishing often decide to establish their own imprints to add a layer of professionalism and authenticity to their work. This move allows them the freedom to buy their own ISBNs and even publish works by other authors. It essentially transforms their individual author brand into a broader publishing brand.

Example: Adam Nevill set up his own imprint in 2016 under the imprint name Ritual Limited when he moved from traditional publishing to self-publishing. His imprint preserves his horror brand.

A woman holding a sign that says "buy some good books" in front of a shelf of books from a publishing imprint - Photo by cottonbro studio for pexels

Why are imprints important?

Imprints play a significant role in the complex structure of the book industry. It’s not just about the names or the logos; there’s a lot more to imprints than meets the eye. Here’s why they are important in the publishing world:


Trying to publish every kind of book under one banner can dilute a publisher’s brand and confuse readers. When a publishing company creates imprints, it’s basically dividing its broad publishing spectrum into more narrowly focused categories. Each imprint then becomes associated with a specific genre, a certain style, or a target audience. For example, an imprint might specialise in crime thrillers, another in romance, and yet another in children’s picture books.

This specialisation allows each imprint to become exceedingly knowledgeable about its genre or market, understanding what works and what doesn’t, what readers expect, and what trends are emerging. This expertise can translate to better decision-making when it comes to which books to publish, how to package them, and how to market them effectively.

For readers, the specialisation of imprints makes it easier to find the types of books they enjoy. They start to recognise the imprint name and associate it with certain types of books, knowing that when they pick up a book published under that imprint, it’s likely to be something they’ll be interested in.

Identity and trust

While not all readers pay attention to the publishers of the books they read, some imprints have become household names.

Many readers will recognise imprints, less for specific titles and more for the genre they represent. Many people, for instance, will recognise the distinctive orange penguin logo for Penguin Classics or know they’re getting quality sci-fi and fantasy when they see the Tor or Orbit logos. That’s the power of an imprint. Over time, readers associate the name with certain types of books. They know what to expect from that imprint, and that trust is priceless in the publishing world.

The imprint’s identity becomes a shorthand for readers, helping them navigate the overwhelming number of books available. When readers see a book published under an imprint they recognise, they have a certain expectation of what that book will deliver in terms of style, genre, or quality, building on their past experiences with that imprint.

A reader’s trust is built over time and results from consistent, positive experiences with an imprint’s books. If readers enjoy multiple books from the same imprint, they are more likely to trust that future books from that imprint will also meet their reading preferences and expectations. This trust is incredibly valuable in the publishing world, where there are so many options and reader attention is increasingly fragmented.

Preservation of legacy

When a large publishing house acquires a smaller publisher, it’s not just buying a business. It’s also acquiring a distinct brand identity, a unique editorial voice, a specific readership, and a legacy that has been built over time.

This legacy often includes everything from the reputation the small publisher has cultivated, the relationships it has built with authors and readers, and the niche it has carved out for itself in the market. Each of these aspects contributes to the value of the small publisher beyond its tangible assets and is part of what the large publisher seeks to incorporate into its operations.


Being associated with the right publishing imprint can make all the difference for authors. It can help their work reach the right audience and offer marketing opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable.

While not all readers pay detailed attention to which imprint publishes what, they will often follow specific publishing imprints on social media if they like other books or authors they publish. The right imprint gives you access to an audience who are already interested in that genre or style, increasing your book’s visibility to the right readers.

Independent publishing imprints vs. traditional publishing imprints

While the process of establishing an independent publishing imprint is relatively straightforward, it does require careful consideration. Setting up an imprint for your self-published work means setting up your publishing goals as a business.

Unlike traditional imprints, which are backed by established publishers, independent imprints are self-funded and self-managed by the authors. This allows for a lot of creative freedom and control over every aspect of the publication process. However, it also carries additional responsibilities, including acquiring ISBNs, handling legal and financial tasks, and managing marketing and distribution efforts that are often either handled or supported by self-publishing platforms.

As an example, if you self-publish through a major distributor like Amazon, they often provide an ISBN registered to them or their own unique identifier, known as an ASIN. This means that when your book reaches market, it will show Amazon as the publisher or simply state that the book is independently published. If you plan to create your own self-publishing imprint, then you will need to purchase ISBNs. This means that when you publish, your book will be listed under your own imprint, which can often give your work a less self-published feel if that is important to you and/or your audience.

Before starting an independent imprint, you should consider your willingness to take on the additional business roles required. You should also evaluate the potential benefits and challenges of operating under your own brand versus the resources that come from publishing under the banner of a well-established platform. 

Books from a publishing imprint - Photo by Parth Shah for Pexels

Why imprints are important for authors to understand

For traditionally published authors, aligning with the right imprint can help your book reach its intended audience. This alignment also opens up marketing opportunities specific to the genre or audience the imprint targets. But most essentially, it’s essential to have this knowledge when it comes to querying your manuscript to agents and publishers to give it the best chance possible.

Target your queries

When you’re familiar with the various imprints, you can target your queries more effectively. This means you can direct your pitches at agents who have connections with imprints that fit well with your work, essentially streamlining the process and increasing the odds of receiving a positive response.

Impress with industry knowledge

Familiarising yourself with the imprints that agents often work with and incorporating that into your query can also show that you’re more than just a writer; you’re also a savvy marketer. It shows that you understand the landscape of the book market and where your work fits into that ecosystem. It shows agents that you’re serious and committed to the success of your book.

Pitch directly to publishers

Some imprints also have open submissions, so knowing what publishing imprint publishes what genres and keeping track of their submission guidelines will also help if you want to pitch your manuscript directly to them. Just as you need to vet a literary agent before querying, you need to do the same for imprints. There is no point pitching to an imprint that doesn’t work within your genre or represent your target audience. You’ll be setting yourself up for rejection if you don’t put in the work to familiarise yourself with the market.

Wrapping up

Understanding what a publishing imprint is becomes crucial when navigating the vast ocean of published literature. Whether you’re an author looking for the right avenue to publish your work or a reader seeking out new books in your preferred genre, an understanding of imprints can guide you.

So the next time you pick up a book, take a moment to notice the imprint – it’s more than just a logo. 

About The Author

Pamela Koehne-Drube

Pamela is a freelance ghostwriter, editor, and professional historian, as well as the Writer Development and Community Lead at Novlr. She writes non-fiction and fiction works for both commercial publishers and self-published writers. With almost two decade's worth of experience in all aspects of the book trade, she loves sharing her expertise to help and inspire other writers.

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